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Our "Q & A Interview" is with Irada, from St-Petersburg, Russia.

Irada, originally from St.Petersburg, Russia, currently living in Tempe, Arizona. Irada is 25 years old and just recently got married to Scott. In this interview she shares with us her views of life in America.

Irada, please tell us about your life and why you decided to apply to Russia Women Tours.

For some time I felt that I was ready to be married and to have a family and I needed a very good faithful person to be my husband. I felt lonely in my life and I wanted to give my love to somebody. I just could not find the right person in Russia. Some of my friends found happiness with the help of companies like Russia Women Tours and I decided to try also. I thought about using Russia Women Tours about a year before I finally decided to join.I found an address of Russia Women Tours in the newspaper and I came to the office and filled in an application form.

When was the first time you met your husband?

I saw Scott in a café in St. Petersburg where he was having coffee with a friend. I felt attracted to him and could not help smiling at him. He came up to me and my friend Irina, whom he knew through Russia Women Tours and we had a conversation together. He took a couple of pictures and I think it helped us to stay in touch. He promised to send me these pictures and we exchanged addresses. Of course it was just an excuse to start a correspondence, at least for me. Our first meeting in a café was casual, but we remembered each other very well. Later we saw each other again at a social when Scott came back to St-Petersburg and we dated, but we did not have much time because his trip was short. We wrote each other many times after he left. My heart “soared” when he called me and told me that he was in St-Petersburg again, (he wrote me a letter but I had not received it). He stayed in Russia for 3 weeks and we were together every day. He presented me with beautiful flowers almost every day. I did not have enough vases in my house to put all the flowers that he brought me. He was a real gentleman and I felt in love.
A few weeks later, Scott and I met in Helsinki (Finland) where we spent many wonderful days together and where he proposed to me. I was delighted to say “yes” and I felt I was in Seventh Heaven. I could not wait for my fiancee visa to be ready, I thought it took ages. Every weekend Scott called me and we talked for a long time on the phone. I waited for the weekends to come as I could hear the voice that was so dear to my heart. Finally, I got the visa and came to Arizona to be with my beloved person. Now we are married and I could not be happier.

What are your and your husband’s plans for the future?

We have great plans, I can only say that all the decisions we make, we make together. We are a family, and it is important to remember it always.

How are you adjusting yourself to your new life in America?

This life in America is new for me, new language, new culture and I feel that I am born again in a completely new world. I need to learn many things. Scott is a very good helper and a teacher for me. He helps me anywhere and anytime, and I do not know what I would do without him.

Have you met Scott’s family?

When I was going to the United States I was afraid of the meeting with Scott’s parents. When we met I understood that they are the kindest, most intelligent and educated people. I liked Scott’s parents very much and they really want to see us happy. I got a very good “new” family here in America.

How do your family and friends feel about participating in Russia Women Tours services?

Most of my friends think that Russia Women Tours’s services is a good way to happiness. Some of them found their husbands through Russia Women Tours website and all of them have very happy and close families. Now Scott and I are one of these happy married couples

[INTERVIEW] [Olga, 22, Zhmerinka] [Angela, 26, Kiev] [Irada, 25, St-Petersburg]
[Bradley, 36, Scottsdale] [Neil, 40s, Phoenix] [Scott, 34, Tempe]

Russia Women Tours

7227 North 16th Street, Suite 240
Phoenix, AZ 85020
fax (602)468-1119

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